by Utah Wedding photographers James Erick Photography Utah

Summer Squaw Peak Engagement with Marcy & Jacob
There was so much snow earlier this year that the wildflowers are in full bloom almost anywhere you go. But Squaw Peak in the middle area is one of the most beautiful spots in Utah. I found this location on a photo shoot scouting location earlier in the year before the flowers were in bloom. But now the purple and light blue "forget me not's" were everywhere, and not a singe other person in sight.
Marcie & Jacob were so much fun to work with. They are friends of somebody in my ward, which is how they found me. Its quite a drive to get here, first up a winding paved road, then a rough dirt road, then up a dirt trail and down into a dell to get to this spot. Some people don't like to go a long way to get pictures, but Marcy & Jacob did not mind at all. The more willing a couple is to drive and walk to a beautiful place, the more beautiful the place is.
Later we went to the famous yellow flowers on the top of buffalo peak( inside of Squaw peak) The yellow flower's had just come out! Normally they are out at the end of April, but this year spring was late and it was actually Summer. There were some amazing views with the yellow flower fields and the mountains in the background.
So, after my clients received their pictures, they submitted them to a contest with a local jeweler, and they won! The first picture posted to this blog was put on a huge billboard in sandy and was there for a month.
For more information on the Summer Squaw Peak Engagement shoot location, you can visit their website or for the exact location please visit my Utah Photography Locations web page.
For more information about James Erick Photography Utah, please visit my website at
The pictures above are just a very few of my favorites from the Summer Squaw Peak Engagement. Enjoy!