by Utah Wedding Photographers JamesErickPhotographyUtah.

Spring Fisher Towers Wedding with Carly and Chase
Sometimes being a wedding photographer can be frustrating, and with the Summer Fisher Towers Wedding with Carly and Chase, this was the case.
As a professional photographer with a lot of years of experience, I know what will look good where and when. I have traveled all over the state and have done many photo sessions in all types of backgrounds. And I know rocky desert backgrounds very well. So, when Carly and Chase chose Fisher Towers in Moab, I was very excited. There are many amazing desert places to do photo sessions, but Fisher Towers is one of the most beautiful. The red-rock and spiraling towers against the blue sky makes it very unique and beautiful.
I had already shot both engagements and a bride and groom session for Carly & Chase, and both sessions were so amazing, I was really excited to go to their wedding in Moab. I thought the plan was for me to come up early to Fisher Towers and scout out a location to do the wedding, then let them know, but when I arrived at Carly's house in Moab, I found out that they had already chosen a location.
For Spring break last year, I went to Fisher Towers and mapped out all the best places to take pictures in case I ever had a photo shoot here. Unfortunately, the location the groom selected to do the wedding was not one I would have chosen. First off, it was side lit, meaning there would be harsh shadows on either the brides or the grooms face. Second, it was on a rock precipice where only about 60 degrees of the rock was available for me to stand and shoot on. The rest faced a steep canyon that did not give any visible access to the bride or groom. And finally there was a very hazy background. And it was hear breaking because there were so many other perfect places to shoot really close to that area. But everybody had already arrived before I knew where they had chosen for their wedding site and moving everybody again would not have worked.
So, I did the best I could with what I had, then after the wedding I took a few pictures in the places I liked better, it's just that we did not have enough time and were not in the right area of Fisher towers. For future reference, I am going to use this story to tell clients why they should consult with me before picking a location.
All in all, I got some great pictures, and I loved working with Carly & Chase, but I am a perfectionist when it comes to my job, and I want the best pictures possible for my clients. I want them to look at them for years to come and say, "Wow" those are some amazing pictures.
The pictures above are just a very few of my favorites from the Spring Fisher Towers Wedding with Carly and Chase. Enjoy!
For more information on the Spring Fisher Towers Wedding with Carly and Chase shoot location, please visit the Fisher Towers website, or for the exact GPS coordinates and pictures of hundreds of amazing shoot locations in Utah, please visit my Utah Photography Locations web page.
For more information about James Erick Photography Utah, please visit my website at