by Utah Wedding Photographers JamesErickPhotographyUtah.

Spring Big Springs Park Bride & Groom Session with Carly & Chase
The Spring Big Springs Park Bride & Groom Session with Carly & Chase was so beautiful! Its late May now so everything is in bloom, but you can still see the snow-capped mountains in the background. The yellow flowers are out in force today, and its warm, about 75 degrees, perfect weather! Its partially cloudy, but not so much as to dull the colors. And Carly & Chase are in Love!
I had already shot Carly & Chases engagements earlier this year at Utah Lake, so I knew they were a lot of fun to work with. We started in the field at the base of Big springs Park in the meadow, where the yellow flowers were all over the rich green grass. The sun was just starting to set over Mt. Timpanogos and found a gap in the clouds allowing the light to stream through to the field we were at an making for some amazing lighting.
Later we went to another part of Big Spring Park that I call the plateau. The Plateau is a huge expanse with a grassy field surrounded by tall mountains. We got there just as the sun was setting over the lower peak of the mountains. Then after that we went to one of my favorite shoot spots when the sun had set and the mountains in the background get really defined by the evening sky. This was the perfect place to end the shoot and I can't wait to shoot their wedding in Moab this summer!
The pictures above are just a very few of my favorites from the Spring Big Springs Park Bride & Groom Session with Carly & Chase. Enjoy!
For more information on the Spring Big Springs Park Bride & Groom Session with Carly & Chase shoot location, please visit the Big Springs Park website, or for the exact GPS coordinates and pictures of hundreds of amazing shoot locations in Utah, please visit my Utah Photography Locations web page.
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