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Summer Garden Park Ward Bride & Groom session with Brandi & Tom by Utah Wedding Photographers James Erick Photography Utah

Summer Garden Park Ward Bride & Groom session with Brandi & Tom

by Utah wedding Photographers James Erick Photography Utah

The Garden Park Ward Bride & Groom session with Brandi & Tom could not have happened on a better day. The sun was just setting over the tops of the trees, The air was warm, but not too hot. The couple was ready to see each other for the first time...then they met on the bridge. Beautiful. I always love to see the faces of a couple when they see each other dressed up for a wedding for the first time. I could truly see the amazed look on Tom's face when he saw Brandi in her beautiful dress for the firs time.

Brandi & Tom were a lot of fun to work with. Brandi's parents helped out a lot with fixing Brandi's dress and making sure everything looked right in each of the locations we shot. One of my favorite locations was towards the front of the church in the ivy. I love Ivy backgrounds, and this ivy grew right up the and all around the sides of the tall pine trees giving the appearance of an ivy forest. Brandi's dad even carried Brandi in and out of the ivy so she would not get anything on her dress.

I don't know much about why the garden park ward looks so much different than other wards in the state, but it is definitely unique. It almost has a middle-eastern look to it. Or maybe even an Indian look.

For more information on the shoot location, please visit the Garden Park Ward Website. For more information on my wedding photography company, please call me at 801-678-6240 or go to

The pictures above are just a few of my favorite shots from the Garden Park Ward Bride & groom Session with Brandi & Tom.

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